
Use our knowledge and experience to design and organise outsourcing.
Projective Group advises and assists in outsourcing processes by pension funds.

Outsourcing business services for more control and opportunities

Pension funds and insurers often choose to outsource business activities to third parties. This provides them scale and cost advantages, among other things. Projective Group guides and advises on outsourcing to a third party. Challenges such as digitalisation, further development of IT and new or amended legislation and regulations keep the pension and insurance sector busy. Staying in control while outsourcing these activities is not always easy. 

DNB’s outsourcing cycle makes this more easy. Projective Group advises on applying the outsourcing cycle. We also provide support on strategic issues. For instance, we sit on committees as external advisors and act as transition manager in (transition) processes.

What we do

Drafting an outsourcing policy

The outsourcing policy is the basis of good collaboration with the outsourcing relationship. In it, you describe the principles they need to guarantee in order to maintain continuity and quality of service. Projective Group has extensive experience in drafting the outsourcing policy and will help you create the right description.

Supporting selection processes

You do not enter into an outsourcing relationship lightly. A reliable and adequate selection process is the foundation of a successful future collaboration. A structured selection process with clear process steps and well-formulated selection criteria are essential.

Periodic reviews

As an organisation, you want to be constantly in control. For this purpose, you receive periodic management information from the outsourcing relationship on the agreed performance indicators. This evaluation cycle consists of reports such as: Service Level Agreement (SLA), a non-financial risk report, a customer report, and an annual assurance statement. Projective Group helps with this assessment, so you can stay in control and improve the relationship.